Author: T. Sutton

The Ethical Foundation of Customer Service

Insurance professionals are charged with acting ethically in the comportment of their duties. That means working well with others. The following summary of a presentation by Terry Sutton offers insight about the role of...

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The Lesson of Mold and Light

I would like to take a moment of your time and share with you a principle. We are all governed by principles or laws that are immutable if not subjected themselves to higher laws. These laws span the spectrum of physical...

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Dealing with Difficult People

Wouldn’t life be great if everybody treated us respectfully, thoughtfully and kindly? And, had the same high opinion of us as we have? The problem with people is that they are people; each buoyed about in life with their own...

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The Notion of Servant Leadership

Over the years I have been in many, many offices and have dealt with thousands of employees and hundreds of managers and owners. I have also served in vocational ministry in churches with hundreds of members and those with...

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