Over the years I have been in many, many offices and have dealt with thousands of employees and hundreds of managers and owners. I have also served in vocational ministry in churches with hundreds of members and those with thousands. As a practicing observer of human interactions, personalities and leadership styles I have come to some colloquial, and hopefully valid, observations. Some offices and groups always seemed to function much more efficiently and productively than others. The same can be said for many homes and families. One dynamic trait of these super functioning groups was a palpable climate of hope and cooperation couched in a subtle, but orchestrated, process prompted by servant leaders. Servant leaders are ones who demonstrate a genuine desire to see others succeed and reach their full potential. They are not micromanagers, but prompters. They are not dictators, but facilitators. They focus not on their power, but others’ success. They clearly communicate responsibilities and expectations and hold others accountable. They typically create a healthy climate and seem to offer their employees (or in their personal life-their children, or their spouse) three things: (1) Their Personhood, (2) Their Possessions and (3) Their Protection. It is a style of leadership and cooperation that is thousands of years old. Personhood suggests that all that I am as your boss, manager, friend, spouse or parent I offer to you with the full intent to help you become the best version of yourself. It recognizes differences in abilities, traits and giftings and looks for the best in others. Possessions suggests that with all diligence I will provide for you the tools necessary for you to succeed and flourish. It recognizes that a laborer is worthy of their hire, but remuneration without accountability and effort is destructive. Protection suggests that I have your back and will help guard against the enemies of your’s and our success. I will not tolerate the destructive process of gossip and division. I will get to know you and will help guard against the blind spots of your life that sow seeds of defeat and ruin. I will communicate clearly what is expected and expect you and I to work through our differences privately, without malice. As a servant leader I am not out to build my power, but to empower you to be the best you can be to benefit yourself personally and professionally. These principles are a reflection of a teaching that is 3,000 years old. This may not apply entirely to your situation, but it certainly is worth personal consideration. To hear the whole story of these principles go to www.MasterYourDisaster.com and read the teaching on Servant-Leadership, the Covenant of Peace.