Vignettes From the Valley is the name of the blog that I will be posting on my Master Your Disaster Facebook page and on my new web site, (and on LinkedIn when apropos.) I purpose to do at least several a month.
We have all experienced highs and lows in our lives. Encouragement and help are needed in the valley, not the mountain top. The vignettes are intended to be rather short and will deal with a myriad of issues from hoarding to purpose to restoration to insurance to “other.” I will probably throw in some lighthearted humor, as well. More sizable discussions can be found on my web site.
My new 501(C)3 non-profit, Master Your Disaster, has been established to do four things; (1) Speak, (2)Write, (3) Assist and (4) Train people. Yes, I know, the first letters spell SWAT. I can’t help it. I am a teacher. There is a world of hurting people out there. I want to help.